Carrier Launches Higher-Capacity OptiClean Air Scrubber for Healthy Indoor Air Quality in K-12 Schools
As schools make plans and take precautions for reopening in the fall, Carrier today announced the launch of its OptiCleanTM 1500-cfm Dual-Mode Air Scrubber & Negative Air Machine, ideal for helping to maintain clean and healthy indoor air quality in classrooms, cafeterias, libraries, gymnasiums, restrooms and more. The new unit joins the existing OptiClean 500-cfm unit, which was launched in April to help create infectious isolation rooms in hospitals treating COVID-19 patients and is now used in hospitals and dental offices and is ideally suited for individual classroom use. The new model draws air from inside larger spaces, removes many contaminants and discharges cleaner, filtered air.
“Schools and school districts around the country are making very difficult decisions about how to adequately prepare to reopen in the fall while keeping their students and teachers safe,” said Chris Nelson, Carrier’s HVAC President. “Our new OptiClean technology will provide one piece of the puzzle to help protect the health of students and teachers when they return to school. The new units can be plugged into a standard wall outlet in any room where students and teachers congregate during the school day to help reduce contaminants like the coronavirus, improve indoor air quality, and slow the spread of disease.”